Sunday, January 10, 2010

Resist Nothing...

I say this to myself every day, whenever I feel the slightest pull of something unpleasant, whether it's a worry, a sadness, a tension of some kind, even when I feel the inclination to rush around the slow driver in front of me...resist nothing. This phrase has become my remover of obstacles. I say it and feel myself let go and slip into trust; I can physically feel my energy begin to flow again, and from this place of abandon, every action I take feels effortless and aligned with the good I desire.

In back of the slow driver, I relax, let go and tell myself, "resist nothing, you will get to work perfectly." Then, the slow driver simply moves out of my lane, and it is like this all the way to work - so graceful and easy. Another day, I am momentarily saddened by a memory of my ex. I tell myself, "resist nothing; yes, it's a lovely memory and I welcome whatever the Universe is bringing my way."

 Then I relax and a vibrant creativity takes over and I am absorbed and happy, giddy even. The next evening, in a dimly lit restaurant, a deeply attractive man smiles at me as he passes; the moment is so unexpected that I feel my entire body flush. This electric, immediate chemistry has only hit me once before in my life (and it is very, very rare that I ever even see a man I am attracted to) and it's a beautiful reminder to me that I'm looking forward to whomever I meet next. So, resist nothing, let everything off the hook, just trust and you will find yourself guided by something much more powerful than whatever strength you think you muster by digging your heels into the ground and resisting or trying to control. I have found that the less I try to control, the more I trust, the more the Universe answers that trust, and the more gracefully I move through my life.

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