Saturday, January 16, 2010

When You Believe & Allow...

Today has been a powerful day for gaining clarity.  I have been reading Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramahansa Yogananda, and have been thoroughly enjoying the many examples of how easily one's right desires manifest when you entrust the manifestation to Universe/God (or Whom/Whatever you choose to call It) and practice unwavering faith in its deliverance.
The book is rife with example after happy example of what we would call miracles of manifestation that occur when desire and belief are lined up.
Anyway, today I went to see a reader that has on two other occasions given me sound spiritual guidance, and today was no exception.  I asked for clarity about a specific relationship, and before I went I imagined the sensation of leaving the reading with joy and deep understanding, and that's exactly how it unfolded.  So, all day today, I have had a bit of childlike giddiness at the blossoming knowing that if I desire something and just allow myself to know that God/Universe will take care of it, it will easily come to pass.   It has become less of an intellectual understanding and more of a soul knowing.
I have been a student of The Law of Attraction for many years now, but this relationship with God is actually somewhat new to me-- (I have only previously been comfortable saying Universe, because "God" has been so bound to religious dogma for me, but I am now finding more of an inclination to say "God," for whatever reason-- & I still remain happily separated from any religion, save for that of joy & love & inclusion) -- where was, I have been a student of Law of Attraction for years now, but, quite suddenly, freshly & powerfully inspired by the many stories in Autobiography of a Yogi, I find the belief part much, much easier and more lighthearted.  And "God" now seems to me a more personal relationship than Universe, which perhaps also makes the believing part easier.
So, I came home filled with a sense of peace mixed with joyous anticipation, and a sense that if I were to move through life more often with this kind of easy faith, I would find my own life becoming more "miraculous" and playful.
As I came in my front gate in this mood, my landlord, who lives behind me, stopped me to talk.  I haven't spoken with him in a few months now, and we had come to lose "faith" in him as a responsible landlord (kind, yes-- but responsible, no) due to his repeated pattern of making excuses or disappearing when we have needed something repaired, so I was very surprised to see him, let alone for him to catch my attention.
He told me that he had just patched the roof (it had been leaking due to past rain, and had started to bubble the plaster on one interior wall of my apartment, to the point where a chunk of  wall had simply fallen out) and that on Monday he would send someone to repair the missing piece of wall!  He was so happy and smiley!  It had been at least a couple of months since the damage, and we had even stopped asking him about it.  How very cool and pleasantly surprising! 
Additionally, there was another matter that I hadn't yet been able to discuss with him.
They- he and his family- have a sweet little Chihuahua named Sassy-- kinda looks like this:
 that they keep eternally tied to a short rope out back, just outside my bedroom window, and one large dog, Cani, that they allow to roam the concrete yard.  Now, Sassy has a little dog house, but never goes into it, even when it rains, so I thought it must be dirty or blocked.  Our winter has mostly been very mild, but lately, it has started to get cold and rainy again, and Sassy's anguished cries on those particular nights had been tormenting me lately.  I had, for the past 3 days, been scheming to find a blanket or pillow that I could somehow offer to them for the little dog.  I also knew, though, that if, instead of fretting and suffering over the situation, I could simply allow my desire for Sassy to be comforted to exist, then move into a place of allowing about it, the situation would stand a better chance of finding remedy than if I allowed myself to get worried and negative.
In the past, when in a state of concern and worry, I have politely asked them to move Sassy's metal water dish out of the summer sun, they have ignored me.  I would also often hear them yelling at the two dogs, and very seldomly had I ever seen them being walked, so my confidence that they cared about the dogs' well-being was scarce.
Anyway, I had been feeling a mounting stress about little Sassy, and was even considering calling Animal Welfare, but at the same time, I was sincerely wanting to just trust that if I asked God to please help Sassy, He would answer that asking.  I stopped my silent monologues of resentment about my landlord and his family, and instead, made a mental list of all of the qualities I sincerely enjoyed about them, and listed the reasons why I loved living here in my little apartment -- and I talked myself into feeling soothed about the situation and the kind of decent people they really were.
Yesterday morning, after a night of cold wind, I realized that Sassy had been silent all night.  I looked out the window, probably half-expecting him to have not made it though another cold night, and instead saw Cani laying right by Sassy's doghouse, with Sassy sleeping peacefully & warmly on top of her as if she were a bed.  I laughed and felt so much love for those two dogs, as well as a sense of relief.  What a magical solution!  I still wanted to find a blanket for them, though.

So, tonight, after my landlord gave me the happy news about the roof, and knowing that it was supposed to rain tomorrow, I took the opportunity to ask him about Sassy.  I said that I had been wanting to get him a blanket because he had been crying so much when it had been cold & rainy out, and he laughed and said it was because Sassy wanted to be let inside.  He also told me that his daughter had just bought Sassy a basket with a blanket and that Sassy did indeed have access to his little doghouse.  I was so relieved and felt keenly that it was the Universe's way of letting me understand that when I move into a place of powerful trust and belief about anything, so many things that I have been asking for find easy answer.  I felt that it was a demonstration of the power of Faith, and a reminder that life needn't be so difficult, and that Faith itself will pave a way when you cannot yourself see the way.  As Abraham (of Abraham-Hicks) says - You don't have to know how it will come to be - you only have to ask for it and move into allowing.
Those two doggies, in concert with my landlord, were powerful teachers for me, and I'm so grateful.  I got the relief I had been seeking, the knowing that the dogs are better cared for, and my relationship with my landlord feels much happier and easier.  And most importantly, I believe that when I ask and trust, it is given.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this story! Super magical! Love the pix of the dogs too! Good lesson for us all.

